Cardservproxy.tar.gz Download

Cardservproxy.tar.gz Download
10-26-2014, 10:43 AM
nstall JAVA:
$ sudo -i
$ pass
$ add-apt-repository “deb natty partner”
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts
$ tab
$ ok
$ yes
$ apt-get install sun-java6-jdk
Compile CSP:
$ sudo -i
$ pass
$ cd /lib
$ svn co CSP-svn
$ apt-get install ant
$ cd CSP-svn
$ ant
$ cd dist
$ tar -zxvf cardservproxy.tar.gz
$ mv cardservproxy /usr/local
$ mv /usr/local/cardservproxy /usr/local/csp
$ cd /usr/local/csp
$ ./ start
Se editeaza proxy.xml
Update CSP:
$ sudo -i
$ pass
$ rmdir /usr/local/bin/csp
$ rmdir /lib/CSP-svn
$ cd /lib
$ svn co CSP-svn
$ cd CSP-svn
$ ant
$ cd dist
$ tar -zxvf cardservproxy.tar.gz
$ mv cardservproxy /usr/local
$ mv /usr/local/cardservproxy /usr/local/csp
$ cd /usr/local/csp
$ ./ start
Now , I`m Gonna Explain How To install And Compile Your CSP .
Means , That Your CSP will be Made By You , So For Sure There is no spywares in the version .
Lets Start ..
We are going to use command lines for this tutorial.
Open a terminal and start by making a folder where we will download the last release and compile it.
Create a folder called for example cspsvn in this path /lib:
If you are not the root type this command.
If you are entering as root avoid this step. go directly to Step 2
Step 1:
sudo -i
You will asked to write your system password. enter your password and continue.
Step 2:
cd lib mkdir cspsvn cd cspsvn svn co [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register..] CSP-svn
At this point the lastest version of csp is downloading, once it finishes downloading we will start compiling it.
Step 3:
apt-get install ant
This will install ant, once installed we will start compiling csp.
Step 4:
cd CSP-svn ant tar-app
Now the csp is compiled.
cd dist tar -zxvf cardservproxy.tar.gz
If tar -zxvf cardservproxy.tar.gz does not work for then you should install tar using this command.
apt-get install tar
Now we will move our compiled program to a directory we want. here in this example we will just rename the cardservproxy folder to csp and put it directly in this folder /var/bin.
Be sure that you are in this path /lib/cspsvn/CSP-svn/dist
If you are not there then just type this command.
cd . cd /lib/cspsvn/CSP-svn/dist mv cardservproxy /var/bin/csp
Now our csp is compiled and exists in this path var/bin
All you have to do to run it is the following. leave your current path using command.
cd .
Then enter this folder var/bin/csp
cd /var/bin/csp ./ start
You should have the ok which means that your proxy is running.
Now just edit your proxy.xml with your existing profiles, users and connectors and enjoy the last version.
Note: each time you want upgrade to the latest version just do the same thing.
Some Points : This Tutorial Made @ Ubuntu
At Fedora You Might Change 'apt-get' By 'yum' if you don`t have apt-get installed in your server.

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