Fallout 3 Brotherhood Of Steel Outcast

Brotherhood outcasts come in 3 different unofficial skill ranks, each equivalent to the Initiate, Knight, and Paladin ranks of the main Brotherhood of Steel.

From The Vault

Brotherhood Outcasts
founder(s):Protector Henry Casdin
leader(s):Protector Henry Casdin
headquarters:Fort Independence
locations:Fort Independence
Outcast Outpost
related:Brotherhood of Steel
Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel
Capital Wasteland Brotherhood of Steel
Protector Casdin
Protector McGraw
Defender Morgan
Defender Rockfowl
Defender Morrill
Defender Sibley
Specialist Olin

The Brotherhood Outcasts are former members of the Capital Wasteland Brotherhood of Steel and are led by Protector Henry Casdin. They believe that, by abandoning the Brotherhood of Steel’s primary mission of acquiring lost technologies, Elder Owyn Lyons has abandoned the very values that defined the order itself. After leaving the Citadel, they dedicated their lives to what they consider the Brotherhood of Steel’s only mission – the acquisition of lost and new technology to help human civilization rebuild itself to its former level.


  • 6Related quests


Brotherhood Outcasts wear power armor repainted black and red. To compensate for their reduced numbers, the Outcasts have supplemented their forces with a number of reprogrammed Robobrains, Sentry Bots and Protectrons painted with the same colors.

In addition to procuring and stockpiling technology from the Capital Wasteland's many ruins, the Outcasts analyze and reverse-engineer them, leaving logs at their bases that record their work.

Fallout 3 Brotherhood Of Steel Outcast

Their main base in the Washington, D.C. area is Fort Independence, though there is at least one other known Outcast Outpost. While the Brotherhood of Steel patrols the D.C. ruins, Brotherhood Outcast patrols are common in the Capital Wasteland. Outcast patrols typically involve three Brotherhood Outcasts (often comprised of one armed with a ranged weapon, one armed with a melee weapon, and one armed with a heavy weapon) or, more commonly, 1-2 outcasts and an Outcast Protectron or Robobrain. There are three 'ranks' of Brotherhood Outcast, which appear according to the player's level, with higher-level Outcasts possessing more hit points and better weapons. Outcast patrols are neutral towards the player, and will fight against hostile enemies such as Raiders, critters, and rogue robots.


The Outcasts use the Protector, Defender and Specialist ranks, which are equivalent to Paladin, Knight, and Scribe ranks in the Brotherhood of Steel.

Known members

  • At Fort Independence:
    • Protector Henry Casdin
    • Defender Anne Marie Morgan
    • Defender Rococo Rockfowl
  • At the Outcast Outpost:
    • Protector McGraw
    • Defender Sibley
    • Defender Morrill
    • Specialist Olin
  • Other Outcasts:
    • Branchtender Linden (former member)
  • Known allies
    • Lone Wanderer (freelance Collection Agent hired by Protector Casdin)

Attitude towards Wastelanders

'Hey local, shouldn't you be banging rocks together or something?'

The Brotherhood of Steel Outcasts show great disdain towards Wastelanders. While not hostile, they will constantly insult and berate the player. Though the player can make a deal with them at Fort Independence, it is not possible to join their faction. If the player is caught trying to enter their base or killing Protector Henry Casdin , the Outcasts will become hostile, unless the player has delivered enough technology to them to be considered a friend. Even if you're considered a friend, the Outcasts will still berate you for your assumed technological backwardness.

Access to Fort Independence is never 'given' but after supplying Protector Casdin with enough scrap metal, energy weapons, and/or Power Armors, the dialog option 'So are we good? Do you trust me enough now?' appears when speaking to Protector Casdin. This is usually when it becomes safe to pick the locked door to Fort Independence, providing the player does not pick the lock with an Outcast watching.

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Protector Casdin does engage in nearby firefights and can sometimes be found dead at Fort Independence making the free form quest to deliver materials impossible. Searching his corpse reveals a door key, but using it will still turn the Outcasts hostile upon entering Fort Independence.

Outcast members are scripted as evil characters (despite being more gray in outlook than black). Thus, fingers can be taken off their corpses if the player character takes the Lawbringer perk. Interestingly, Protector Casdin, Defender Rockfowl and Defender Morgan drop ears instead.


Protector Henry Casdin, leader of the Outcasts

'Never forget the fires we were forged in, all those who forget are lost.' -Outcast motto found on a terminal in Fort Independence.

Some time after the destruction of the Enclave in the Core Region, the Brotherhood of Steel ruling council, based in the Lost Hills bunker in Southern California, decided to send a contingent of soldiers to the East Coast, to recover any and all advanced technology from Washington, D.C. and to investigate the reports of Super Mutant activity in the region. When the Brotherhood expeditionary force reached the East Coast, they found the Pentagon largely destroyed, but they found there a technological marvel that, if restored, could help the Brotherhood rebuild a strength and reputation that had been declining steadily for years. After the discovery, Paladin Owyn Lyons, the leader of the expedition, was promoted to Elder. A permanent base known as the Citadel was built into and beneath the ruins of the Pentagon. Lyons and his soldiers also found the Super Mutants in the urban ruins of downtown Washington and helped stop the mutant tide from overtaking the entire region keeping them at bay from encroaching on the Capital Wasteland beyond the ruins of the capital city.

Eventually Elder Lyons decided to make the protection of the innocent inhabitants of the Capital Wasteland from Super Mutants and other threats like Raiders and Slavers his main priority. In response, the Lost Hills Brotherhood elders cut off all support to the East Coast faction of the Brotherhood, while still recognizing him as a leader of the Brotherhood of Steel, and the Citadel as their D.C. headquarters. Most of Elder Lyons’ soldiers supported his dedication to the people of the Capital Wasteland, and were proud of their leader’s commitment to honor and heroism. But there were those, including Lyons' second in command, Paladin Henry Casdin, who voiced their opposition – loudly, and aggressively. They believed that by abandoning the Brotherhood of Steel’s primary mission of acquiring lost and new technologies, Elder Lyons had abandoned the very values that defined the order itself.

One night, the dissenters departed from the Citadel, absconding with weapons, Power Armor, and other pieces of advanced technology and equipment. This was, without question, Owyn Lyons’ darkest hour. He had become a man of compassion and understanding, and could not help but sympathize with those who had left: he had abandoned the Brotherhood’s primary mission. He recognized that, and took full responsibility for the schism in his ranks. Some of the Knights and Paladins who left had been his battle brothers for years. Together, they had shared victory and loss, pain and elation. But to those soldiers loyal to Elder Lyons, this dereliction of duty and theft of technology was an act of cowardice and treason. Lyons was left with little choice: he branded the dissenters “Outcasts”, traitors to the Brotherhood of Steel – it was a name they would ultimately wear as a badge of honor, proud of the distance it put between themselves and Lyons’ “soldier sycophants”.

Related quests

The Outcast Collection Agent

Main article: The Outcast Collection Agent

The Lone Wanderer can talk with Protector Casdin at Fort Independence, who can arrange a deal between the Outcasts and the Lone Wanderer to trade various technological items for useful supplies.

Operation: Anchorage

The Outcasts play a major role in Operation: Anchorage, in which a group of Outcasts in the Outcast Outpost under the command of Protector McGraw is trying to acquire advanced military tools, and the only way to enter the locked room containing these relics is by completing a military simulation only the player can enter.

See also:

  • Operation: Anchorage.

Combat Statistics

location:Fort Independence
Outcast Outpost
appearances:Fallout 3
6ST, 5PE, 6EN, 4CH, 3IN, 6AG, 4LK
5ST, 6PE, 5EN, 4CH, 4IN, 7AG, 4LK
5ST, 7PE, 6EN, 4CH, 3IN, 6AG, 4LK
base id:29673, 2967F, 29687 (melee)
29692, 2969a, 00a93 (gun)
296a2 (big gun)
296a6 (flamer)
2a7f1 (missile)

Brotherhood Outcasts are formidable opponents. They have superior protection, weaponry, and skills to virtually every faction encountered in the Capital Wasteland, including Raiders, Talon Company Mercenaries, and most indigenous fauna the Wasteland has to offer. Outcasts generally operate in patrols, making them a bit more dangerous as all of them can open fire the second a hostile appears. Outcast patrols are generally weaker than Enclave kill-teams, however, and frequently lose to them in direct combat unless the Outcast squad is making use of heavy weapons. Fortunately for the player, Outcasts are usually friendly (if gruff and rude) when encountered, meaning their appearance is often helpful. Outcasts will fight any of the more hostile indigenous factions and creatures, saving you ammunition, time, and energy, and their fallen can be looted for Outcast Power Armor and advanced weapons. Many players have taken to eliminating Outcast teams in the field specifically for the gear they drop, as it can provide considerable income.

Outcast Patrols generally use the following weapons:

  • Gatling Laser (Higher Level encounters often have the Minigunner trade-up for one)
  • Any Weapon Salvaged from other enemies (If you see an Outcast carrying, say, a Plasma Rifle, Combat Shotgun, Sniper Rifle or Chinese Assault Rifle, this is, more likely than not, the reason)

In addition to having human members, the Outcasts make extensive use of Protectrons and Robobrains. A few squads will even make use of particularly powerful Sentry Bots, equipped with Gatling Lasers, or Mr. Gutsys. All of the above can be easily-spotted by their red-and-black-flecked paintjob, mimicking those of their Outcast masters. While the Protectron is hardly a wonderful combatant, the Robobrain can prove a challenge, the Gutsy can be a threat, and the Sentry Bot is outright deadly. Particularly strong squads have a higher concentration of better gear; a squad of 3 Outcasts - one Laser Rifle-armed, 1 with a Minigun, and 1 with a Gatling Laser, can sometimes be found if you're high enough level near Smith Casey's Garage.

To begin with, the amusement's generation qualities endeavor to submerge the player in Bethesda's sword and witchcraft world. The amusement's designer, Bethesda, has saved money a somewhat lucrative presence on making open-world RPGs that are filled to overflowing with substance. They'll keep running into a grouping of intriguing characters and fight bunch creatures.They'll need to drive through snowstorms, discover asylum from storms and, on a reasonable night, they can look up at the sky and see auroras draining through the obscured sky above them. Skyrim mods. For a round of this size the nature of the representation and the scrupulousness is remarkable.As the player goes through Skyrim, they will experience thick forests, snow-topped mountains, grand urban areas and clear as can be streams that keep running all through the guide. Likewise with Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and Fallout 3 preceding it, Skyrim is an amusement that is anything but difficult to totally lose yourself in.The purpose behind this is two-fold.


  • 'Hey local, shouldn't you be banging rocks together or something?'
  • 'Why don't you go bother the Brotherhood or something?'
  • 'Great, here's some of the local wildlife.'
  • 'Haven't got time to talk to your type, local.'
  • 'You're not involved in this, you want to keep it that way.'
  • 'Casdin says you're clear.'
  • 'Back to stare in awe at the Outcasts?'
  • 'Keep your distance, mutt. No knowing what is breeding on you,'
  • 'Good to have some reinforcements!' (Only with Operation: Anchorage add-on, while you are in the Outcast Outpost and are wearing Outcast Power Armor.)
  • 'Nice to see a friendly faceplate.' (Only with Operation: Anchorage add-on, while you are in the Outcast Outpost and are wearing Outcast Power Armor.)
  • 'Nothing to report, soldier.' (Only with Operation: Anchorage add-on, while you are in the Outcast Outpost and are wearing Outcast Power Armor.)


  • For a list of patrol locations, please refer to the discussion page.


  • All Brotherhood Outcast patrols are considered evil. This means that they will incur no karma penalty when killed, and will potentially drop a finger for those with the Lawbringer perk.
  • You lose karma for destroying Outcast robots, or killing named Outcast members, like Henry Casdin.
  • All of the Brotherhood of Steel soldiers are hostile to those Brotherhood Outcasts.


Outcast Robobrain